Across the UK there are 6.8 million Carers, saving tax payers £132 billion. Throughout Cheshire and Warrington this equates to over 100,000 Carers, the cost of which would be almost £2 billion.
The unpaid care provided, by the UK’s Carers is worth an estimated £132 billion per year. Without Carers’ willingness and ability to provide care, Adult Social Care and the NHS would collapse. Caring impacts negatively on the lives of Carers in many areas including financial, health, social, exclusion, personal relationships, work issues and many more. That is why we exsist, to give Carers a break.
Furthermore we aim to provide our Carers with a life outside of caring, to reduce isolation, improve Carers’ mental and physical wellbeing and to provide a voice for Carers. Our emphasis is on early intervention, supporting and advising. Carers can make informed decisions about their caring role when they are healthy and well. Through the information we provide and the support offered with Welfare Benefits, for example, we reduce stress and anxiety. Our training equips Carers to undertake their role more effectively. Also many Carers rarely have the opportunity to leave their home. So we do drop in sessions, support groups and lunch clubs reduce this isolation.
We especially work to prevent Carer crisis and breakdown. Our involvement has a positive impact in terms of reducing hospital admissions. In addition this removes the pressure on health and social care. Moreover the work we undertake with Carers enables them to make positive choices about their caring role, both now and in the future.
Please see below ways to donate:
UNLIMITED £5 donations for Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust
Please support Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust on Easy Fundraising. You’ll raise FREE donations with your everyday shopping. It’s quick and easy to sign up! Plus, once you’ve raised your first £5. Subsiquently Easy Fundraising will double it! There are 170,000 charities supported with this from 2.3 million users, they have raised £41 million.
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Get in touch with Karen our Finance and Personnel Manager to make a custom donation.
£1500-Provides 12 Carers with a monthly get together to reduce isolation, share information and access mutual support for a year.
£50-Enables us to provide an appointment with a Carer Support Worker for Robert who is a first time Carer.
£18-Enabled us to give helpline support to Julie – an isolated Carer at her breaking point – offering information and support which left her feeling positive and more able to cope.
To donate call our helpline (0300 102 0008) and request for Karen also you can email: [email protected]